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When your body grows and develops, the mind learns to recognize and filter a wide range of objects and information. This process is called Latent Inhibition ato abbreviated as LI (Indonesia: Latent Inhibition).
In some cases, people have excessive sensitivity to various environmental conditions, such as the sounds within and across the room, the serial number of mobile phones on your desk, or brand and date of production of light in your room. The disorder is called Low Latent Inhibition or LLI.
The signs of people who suffer from LLI:
A. More sensitive to information about you:You see more, hear more, smell more and feel better through touch contact. Without conscious effort, your mind has a larger intake informasi.Setelah deal with all forms of stimulation (which appeals to you), your mind automatically dismantles and explore its components. So you can get information about something that is missed by the normal
2. To know someone a lie:You are usually able to see the lies and deception that people use in everyday life.
3. Able to learn quickly:When learning, you can make changes instantly. You can practice the lesson you just absorb, and be able to make a connection or association between two or more things that are usually normal in people, it looks like nothing at all. Easy to understand explanations. You see the background information on these non-verbal and often provide a more comprehensive picture than what is spoken.
4. There is no talking voice in your head: you think clearly with your conscious mind.Information drown completely in your conscious mind without the influence of unconscious mind take.
5. It's hard to express what you have in mind:Because your mind is very thorough and detailed about things that are considered trivial by others, then you will be hard to explain verbally to others.
6. Other people look stupid and boring with the explanation:You will feel resentful and geregetan when listening to normal people because in your mind, that person explain about something that you think should have been explained a few hours earlier. So like, someone to talk still up in the points A, while your mind has reached the point P (the alphabet).
7. Science is a source of tranquility:You can find peace and tranquility in studying the science of things that smell.
People who suffer from LLI are at risk of mental retardation if the person does not have enough IQ to process all the information he got from the surrounding environment.
While people with LLI who have a high IQ would be someone who can truly be called a genius.
how about some signs of that? what there is to you? Do you feel you suffer from LLI? Unfortunately it is not possible, because people with LLI will not be realized if he was suffering from LLI. Due to diagnose yourself against LLI can not be done because they think other people also saw what he was. Even in some cases remain undiagnosed.
Remember, it is a small possibility of LLI LLI + Genius moreover, are rarely found.

9 Facts About Egg Yolk You Do not Know
FACTS ABOUT 9 yolk ABOUT YOU Did not Know
Unique and Interesting Information - There have been many who discuss the facts about eggs egg whites too .... But after ane search, no one has discussed the facts of egg yolks ....
Egg yolk or in English is called egg yolk with a part of the egg where the embryo develops. Egg yolk surrounded by the egg white (albumen or ovalbumin). As a food, yolks are a major source of several vitamins and minerals. Egg yolks also contain lots of fat, cholesterol and protein.
A. The color of the yolk of the chicken is influenced by foodYolk color depends on the type of food consumed by the egg-producing chickens. Chicken feed containing corn will produce more yellow colored eggs than a chicken egg yolks are not given the corn.
"So, if you want the egg yolks with a yellow color really, you wrote of feed corn as much as possible ...."Additional: which color egg yolks, it is influenced sm sbnerny beta carotene, a yellow pigment on the yolk. EMK bner who feed dikasi dipengaruhin sm, tp ga always be corn, could jg beta carotene supplements dikasi ..no 1 n 2 which is related to ko, beta carotene is a form of vitamin A dr, jd smakin byk dikasi feed containing beta carotene which, smakin high vitamin A ny
2. Vitamin A and egg yolkColor in egg yolk is determined by banyakknya carotenoid pigments related to vitamin A. One egg yolk contains vitamin A is equivalent to almost half the vitamin A medium carrot. The more egg yolk, the more healthy your eyes!
3. Cholesterol and egg yolkUnfortunately in addition to vitamins, egg yolks are also high in cholesterol. Cholesterol is a large chicken egg yolk equivalent to 75 grams of liver cholesterol in beef offal, Based on the research, one butie egg yolk contains about 213 mg of cholesterol. And for those who have problems with cholesterol in the blood, it has exceeded the allowed limit, 200 mg. Cholesterol is needed by the body, but still have limited intake.Cuman ordinary people always mengindentikan cholesterol with heart disease, stroke etc.. Actually the body needs cholesterol, it also loh gan for the regulation of certain cells. Function of cholesterol is one of them to form the cell wall, because the cell wall phospholipid bilayer us. Lipids were meant fat or cholesterol.
So that is in the egg yolk cholesterol called HDL and LDL evil name.
4. Better cooked egg yolk.Research conducted by the Belgian mentions that the protein is absorbed by the egg yolk (egg whites as well), up from only 51% if the egg is still raw, to 91% if the eggs have matured. Besides safe from bacteria as well as more protein is absorbed by the body.
5. Egg yolk is always in the middle.White rope we usually observe in the white of an egg called calazae, and it serves to hold the yolk in the middle of the egg and egg shell does not stick.
6. Rub egg yolk on the hairIn addition to direct consumption, egg also helps hair growth by directly rubbing the egg yolk on the hair follicles, the hair is rumored to be more fertile and baldness away in this manner. Just do not forget to wash your hair before going out agan!
"So do not be mad if ya pas egg diceplokin ente birthday, immediately wrote all rubbed into the hair roots, let healthy hair ..."
7. Nutritional content of egg yolk.According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one egg yolk contains approximately: 2.7 g protein, 210 mg cholesterol, 0.61 g and 4:51 g fat.
Egg yolk also contains all the fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.
Fatty acid content in egg yolks:
A. Unsaturated fatty acids* Oleic Acid, 47%* Linoleic Acid, 16%* Palmitoleic Acid, 5%* Linolenic Acid, 2%2. Saturated fatty acids* Palmitic acid, 23%* Stearic Acid, 4%* Myristic Acid, 1%

Egg yolks also contain lecithin, which serves to emulsifier.
8. Double yolkDouble yolk can occur because the process of fertilization occurs rapidly teralu. Some chickens also are able to produce this double yolk, such as those bred in West Bengal, India.
Basically, the hen is very rarely result in double yolk, this is caused by an error in the egg production cycle. Containing egg yolk double berbentul longer and more "slim" than usual eggs.
9. Eggs without the yolk ..?Eggs without the yolk egg is usually referred to as dwarf (dwarf = dwarf) or a wind egg. This could happen if the reproductive tissue breaks, and then stimulate the egg to produce the gland to wrap it using egg whites. membrane and shell. And then the egg without the yolk is, ready to be issued.
10. EnjoyableWhat is certain is that egg yolk taste delicious! (:

Unique and Interesting Information - Turns Sucking the Same Rooms Eat Asphalt. Not many people know that asphalt is used as a coating material or coating leakage path was also contained in cigarettes. People who smoke cigarettes is tantamount to entering the asphalt in the body. Asphalt is a chemical that is carcinogenic. Artificial asphalt is usually composed of a mixture of tar and petroleum asphalt. Petroleum asphalt itself is often referred to as Asmin or cut back asphalt. While the tar obtained from coal processing.
Tar was not only used to make asphalt, but also as a basic ingredient in the manufacture of cigarettes. Tar and nicotine are the two most dangerous substances between 4000 kinds of other chemicals.
"Tar material is the material used for asphalt, so we actually eat asphalt while smoking a cigarette," says Prof. Farid A Moeloek, a former health minister who now serves as Chairman of the National Commission on Tobacco Control in the event Cigarette Tax Increase: Between Economic Interests and Health in Hotel Sahid Jakarta, Wednesday (17/2/2010).
From about thousands of toxins, there are usually created to make a rocket plane, there are made to wash the blood and so on. Tar itself is a substance which will clot in the lung and form a liquid which is used to make asphalt. Tar is used to coat the roads with tar found in cigarette tar and particles can cause the growth of cancer cells. Besides tar nevertheless cause a buildup of calcium, nitrosmine, B-naphthylamine, cadmium and nickel.
As quoted from Quitsmoking, Wednesday (17/2/2010), tar is the substance of the aromatic hydrocarbons which are sticky and attach to the lungs. This is a black tar residue heat from combustion, tar contains hundreds of chemicals some of which are carcinogenic and toxic. In solid form, tar is a brown and sticky substance that is behind the cigarette filter. Tar cause brown teeth and make all the networks dikenainya to brown too. Imagine a sticky substance that attaches to your lungs.
Tar contained in cigarettes and all kinds tend to increase in number along with a burning cigarette. That means the last puff tar cigarettes contain double the amount of the first puff. Tar inhaled from cigarettes will damage the vibrating hairs (cilia) in the lungs that increase the risk of respiratory diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis and throat cancer.

Hasil riset terbaru oleh peneliti Iran menemukan, meminum teh dalam keadaan masih panas dapat menyebabkan Kanker Tenggorokan.

Pada penelitian terdahulu, dalam British Medical Journal dikemukakan terdapat hubungan antara tembakau dan alkohol sebagai penyebab kanker oesophagus. Selain itu disebutkan pula, minuman panas berpotensi menimbulkan tumor.
Meminum teh panas dengan temperatur di atas 70 derajat celcius sama dengan meningkatkan resiko kanker tenggorokan delapan kali lipat lebih besar jika dibandingkan Anda meminumnya dalam keadaan suam-suam kuku, yaitu di bawah 65 derajat, demikian penjelasan peneliti seperti yang dilansir Reuters.

Bersama timnya, Reza Malekzadeh dari Tehran University meneliti kebiasaan minum 300 orang yang didiagnosa mengidap kanker tenggorokan, sementara 571 orang lainnya dalam keadaan sehat. Mereka semua berasal dari daerah yang sama, di provinsi Golestan, di Iran Utara.

Malekzadeh menjadikan daerah ini sebagai sampel penelitian karena Golestan merupakan salah satu daerah dengan tingkat kanker tenggorokan tertinggi di dunia. Namun sebaliknya tingkat kebiasaan merokok dan minum alkohol di daerah ini sangat rendah. Yang perlu diketahui, hampir semua penduduknya meminum teh hitam secara rutin, sebanyak satu liter setiap harinya.

Hasilnya, orang yang rutin meminum teh kurang dari dua menit setelah dituangkan, beresiko memicu berkembangnya kanker lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan mereka yang menunggu empat menit atau lebih.
Tidak ada keterangan pasti seberapa panas suhu teh yang menyebabkan kanker, namun peneliti menyimpulkan luka akibat panas dari teh akan menyebabkan iritasi tenggorokan.

Dibandingkan dengan meminum teh hangat atau suam kuku pada temperatur 65 derajat Celsius atau kurang, meminum teh panas, antara 65 dan 68 derajat Celsius, berkaitan dengan dua kali resiko kanker tenggorokan, dan meminum teh yang sangat panas pada 70 derajat Celsius atau lebih berkaitan dengan peningkatan delapan kali lipat.

Dampak kanker tenggorokan cukup mengerikan. Tercatat setiap tahunnya lebih dari 500.000 orang di dunia meninggal akibat penyakit ini. Penyakit ini tumbuh subur terutama di daerah Asia, Afrika, dan Amerika Selatan. Kanker ini termasuk mematikan, dengan rata-rata kesembuhan sekira 12 hingga 31 persen, itu pun membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama, sekira 5 tahun.

"Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan peningkatan kuat resiko OSCC yang berhubungan dengan meminum teh panas atau sangat panas,". Mereka menyarankan orang mesti menunggu beberapa menit sebelum meminum satu gelas teh yang baru diseduh dengan air mendidih.

Laporan itu juga memberi dukungan kepada pendapat bahwa cedera karena tersengat hawa panas mungkin menjadi penyebab kanker "epithelium", kendati cara panas meningkatkan perkembangan tumor belum diketahui.

    has it ever crossed my mind where it came from a distinctive odor that smelled when it rains??, or usually also appear before it rains?
    Now for the not yet know, here's the explanation, the rain that falls soaks the ground and the trees always leaves a refreshing smell typical.
    There are many theories explaining the origin of these smells, one of the compounds released by the soil and rocks that petrichor.
    This compound was first revealed by two researchers from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), IJ Bear and RG Thomas. The study was published in a report entitled "Genesis of Petrichor" and published by the journal Nature in 1965.
    Excerpted from The Naked Science, petrichor comes from two Greek words, which is petros meaning stone and ichor which means water. In Greek mythology, petrichor a smooth fluid flowing in the veins of the gods. The researchers believe the compound has the chemical name 2-decanone was released by the vegetation in the dry season and then absorbed by the soil and rocks.
    By rocks, the compound was released again when the humidity is such a drastic change before and after the rains. Until now, the theory developed by CSIRO scientists is seen as the most distinctive smell can explain the smell before and after the rain.
    There is also another theory that says when it rains a distinctive odor is caused by spores produced by bacteria called actinomycetes. These bacteria usually live in moist soil, but it's easy to die when the soil is dry or loses moisture. Before death, the bacteria leave the eggs in the form of spores which have a much stronger resistance. In dry soil conditions, the spores that have hibernation so it can live for years.
    When it rains drenched the soil, spores were alive and some of them break away from the ground and inhaled by humans. The distinctive smell of rain was actually the spores are inhaled by humans.
    This theory is corroborated by experimental results, which membutikan that culturing actinomycetes spores in the laboratory can produce smells like rain. But this theory does not explain the similar odor that sometimes has appeared just before the rain fell.

     The brain is a vital organ which is the control center of the central nervous system. The brain to organize and coordinate most of the movement, behavior and homeostatic body functions such as heartbeat, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperature.
     The brain is also responsible for functions such as recognition, emotion. memory, motor learning, and all other forms of learning. It is indeed a very complicated task and a lot and this is the 10 activities that can damage our brains work
A. Do not want breakfastThose who do not eat breakfast have a lower blood sugar levels, which consequently supply of nutrients to the brain becomes less.
2. Most eatToo much to eat, let alone a high fat content, can result in hardening of the blood vessels of the brain due to accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall. As a result the ability of the brain will decrease.
3. SMOKINGSubstances in tobacco that is inhaled will quickly lead to brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer's disease.
4. Too much sugarConsumption of too much sugar will cause a disruption of the absorption of protein and nutrients, causing nutritional imbalances that would interfere with brain development
5. Air pollutionThe brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain that can decrease the efficiency of the brain.
6. Lack of sleepThe brain needs sleep as a time to rest and restore capabilities. Deprived of sleep for a long time will accelerate the deterioration of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleepingSleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Thinking too hard when you're sickOverworked or forced to use our minds while studying with sickness may lead to reduced effectiveness of the brain and can damage the brain.
9. Lack of deep brain stimulationThinking is the best way to train our brain. Lack of stimulation in the brain can cause brain wrinkle.
10. Rarely talkCommunication is needed as one means of spurring the ability of the brain. Intellectually communicate can lead to brain efficiency. Rare intellectual ability to communicate will cause the brain to be poorly trained.

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