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Every woman has a different definition of the ideal husband . There are a few main qualities she wants in a partner .Not surprisingly , after marriage , many women often wonder , if he had married the right guy .For that , see the signs if you marry the right man , as reported by Boldsky :

- He makes you comfortablePositive sign that the marriage is your spouse always make you comfortable at all times . The right guy can make your life comfortable passing phase change at the beginning of marriage .

- He is supportiveIs 

a good husband who has always supported every decision you take. Many men are not supportive to her partner , and making his wife live under the rules .

- He could be your best friend 

You marry the right guy if he can be the head of your household and friend . By becoming friends , so the he could be consulted by relaxing , listening to your opinions and complaints .

- He loves your family 

Right man is also a man who loves and cares your parents like his own parents . For that , you must build strong relationships with parents and families . It is also the basis of your marriage that unites two families .

- He appreciates the relationship 

The man is perfect and right for you is able to appreciate your relationship . Marriage is a relationship that you built for a lifetime . And make sure your husband loves you and is always accompanied , in the hard times and happy . Right man knows how to keep your relationship remains special .

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/493043-wanita--ini-5-tanda-anda-menikahi-pria-yang-tepat 

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