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9 Facts About Egg Yolk You Do not Know
FACTS ABOUT 9 yolk ABOUT YOU Did not Know
Unique and Interesting Information - There have been many who discuss the facts about eggs egg whites too .... But after ane search, no one has discussed the facts of egg yolks ....
Egg yolk or in English is called egg yolk with a part of the egg where the embryo develops. Egg yolk surrounded by the egg white (albumen or ovalbumin). As a food, yolks are a major source of several vitamins and minerals. Egg yolks also contain lots of fat, cholesterol and protein.
A. The color of the yolk of the chicken is influenced by foodYolk color depends on the type of food consumed by the egg-producing chickens. Chicken feed containing corn will produce more yellow colored eggs than a chicken egg yolks are not given the corn.
"So, if you want the egg yolks with a yellow color really, you wrote of feed corn as much as possible ...."Additional: which color egg yolks, it is influenced sm sbnerny beta carotene, a yellow pigment on the yolk. EMK bner who feed dikasi dipengaruhin sm, tp ga always be corn, could jg beta carotene supplements dikasi ..no 1 n 2 which is related to ko, beta carotene is a form of vitamin A dr, jd smakin byk dikasi feed containing beta carotene which, smakin high vitamin A ny
2. Vitamin A and egg yolkColor in egg yolk is determined by banyakknya carotenoid pigments related to vitamin A. One egg yolk contains vitamin A is equivalent to almost half the vitamin A medium carrot. The more egg yolk, the more healthy your eyes!
3. Cholesterol and egg yolkUnfortunately in addition to vitamins, egg yolks are also high in cholesterol. Cholesterol is a large chicken egg yolk equivalent to 75 grams of liver cholesterol in beef offal, Based on the research, one butie egg yolk contains about 213 mg of cholesterol. And for those who have problems with cholesterol in the blood, it has exceeded the allowed limit, 200 mg. Cholesterol is needed by the body, but still have limited intake.Cuman ordinary people always mengindentikan cholesterol with heart disease, stroke etc.. Actually the body needs cholesterol, it also loh gan for the regulation of certain cells. Function of cholesterol is one of them to form the cell wall, because the cell wall phospholipid bilayer us. Lipids were meant fat or cholesterol.
So that is in the egg yolk cholesterol called HDL and LDL evil name.
4. Better cooked egg yolk.Research conducted by the Belgian mentions that the protein is absorbed by the egg yolk (egg whites as well), up from only 51% if the egg is still raw, to 91% if the eggs have matured. Besides safe from bacteria as well as more protein is absorbed by the body.
5. Egg yolk is always in the middle.White rope we usually observe in the white of an egg called calazae, and it serves to hold the yolk in the middle of the egg and egg shell does not stick.
6. Rub egg yolk on the hairIn addition to direct consumption, egg also helps hair growth by directly rubbing the egg yolk on the hair follicles, the hair is rumored to be more fertile and baldness away in this manner. Just do not forget to wash your hair before going out agan!
"So do not be mad if ya pas egg diceplokin ente birthday, immediately wrote all rubbed into the hair roots, let healthy hair ..."
7. Nutritional content of egg yolk.According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one egg yolk contains approximately: 2.7 g protein, 210 mg cholesterol, 0.61 g and 4:51 g fat.
Egg yolk also contains all the fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.
Fatty acid content in egg yolks:
A. Unsaturated fatty acids* Oleic Acid, 47%* Linoleic Acid, 16%* Palmitoleic Acid, 5%* Linolenic Acid, 2%2. Saturated fatty acids* Palmitic acid, 23%* Stearic Acid, 4%* Myristic Acid, 1%

Egg yolks also contain lecithin, which serves to emulsifier.
8. Double yolkDouble yolk can occur because the process of fertilization occurs rapidly teralu. Some chickens also are able to produce this double yolk, such as those bred in West Bengal, India.
Basically, the hen is very rarely result in double yolk, this is caused by an error in the egg production cycle. Containing egg yolk double berbentul longer and more "slim" than usual eggs.
9. Eggs without the yolk ..?Eggs without the yolk egg is usually referred to as dwarf (dwarf = dwarf) or a wind egg. This could happen if the reproductive tissue breaks, and then stimulate the egg to produce the gland to wrap it using egg whites. membrane and shell. And then the egg without the yolk is, ready to be issued.
10. EnjoyableWhat is certain is that egg yolk taste delicious! (:

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