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    has it ever crossed my mind where it came from a distinctive odor that smelled when it rains??, or usually also appear before it rains?
    Now for the not yet know, here's the explanation, the rain that falls soaks the ground and the trees always leaves a refreshing smell typical.
    There are many theories explaining the origin of these smells, one of the compounds released by the soil and rocks that petrichor.
    This compound was first revealed by two researchers from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), IJ Bear and RG Thomas. The study was published in a report entitled "Genesis of Petrichor" and published by the journal Nature in 1965.
    Excerpted from The Naked Science, petrichor comes from two Greek words, which is petros meaning stone and ichor which means water. In Greek mythology, petrichor a smooth fluid flowing in the veins of the gods. The researchers believe the compound has the chemical name 2-decanone was released by the vegetation in the dry season and then absorbed by the soil and rocks.
    By rocks, the compound was released again when the humidity is such a drastic change before and after the rains. Until now, the theory developed by CSIRO scientists is seen as the most distinctive smell can explain the smell before and after the rain.
    There is also another theory that says when it rains a distinctive odor is caused by spores produced by bacteria called actinomycetes. These bacteria usually live in moist soil, but it's easy to die when the soil is dry or loses moisture. Before death, the bacteria leave the eggs in the form of spores which have a much stronger resistance. In dry soil conditions, the spores that have hibernation so it can live for years.
    When it rains drenched the soil, spores were alive and some of them break away from the ground and inhaled by humans. The distinctive smell of rain was actually the spores are inhaled by humans.
    This theory is corroborated by experimental results, which membutikan that culturing actinomycetes spores in the laboratory can produce smells like rain. But this theory does not explain the similar odor that sometimes has appeared just before the rain fell.

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