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          A man in the UK had lost his job and became unemployed . But he has a unique way of changing the spare time to do useful things . Known as Captain Manchester , this man chose to become a superhero costume who do good to the people around him .
Like a superhero in the film , the man 's identity is still a mystery . Since the unemployed , the masked man began to frequent the streets around Manchester , England . He helps the parents to bring their groceries and picking up trash dumped carelessly on the road to trashed .

Since the beginning of September 2013 , Captain Manchester has been using the social networking site Twitter to communicate with the inhabitants of the city . Initially , he was only wearing a Batman mask before making the mask itself . Now , Captain Manchester also has business cards .

When he was asked by one of his fans , ' what his own super powers ' , the man replied strength in the form of goodness . Men dressed in red and black is also said that the two closest friends know the activities .

" I'm not sure how long it will be Captain Manchester , but I have always enjoyed helping others . Message me for all those who are inspired by Captain Manchester is help others starting today , " he said , as quoted by the Huffington Post .

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