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Not forever love starts from the eye down to the heart . A research proved , falling in love can arise from the sense of smell . How it is even considered most desirable to find true love .

The results were announced at the Edinburgh International Science Festival . Found , scent can reveal a person's health has. It was also an important factor when choosing a partner .

To test the theory , the scientists conducted a speed dating night titled " Sin Academy " . Participants who participated blindfolded , then asked to smell armpits random strangers . Then selected , where the scent is preferred .

"Everyone thinks of love arise from the first sight , even though many other senses are involved . And the scent is one of the most powerful , " said Dr. Zoe Cromier that explore the science of hedonism and appeal , as reported by the Daily Mail .

The results of the speed dating , a lot of people who end up falling in love with a certain scent . The sign , for someone it would be quite intoxicating scent like a drug .It was called the MHC locus is complex genes that determine a person's scent . " Genes also determine the complex immune system and the ability of the body's immunity against disease , " said Cromier .

According to him , man was created to be attracted to someone who has a strong and distinct genes . Functions that their offspring have a greater chance in the fight against the disease .

The effectiveness of speed dating
Not only the sense of smell is tested in Sin Academy . Still with eyes closed , participants were also asked to rate the voice of strangers and choosing who they like . As a result, women prefer men with deep voice and tight , or high-pitched . The sound was considered masculine ." Speed ​​dating sensory was much more effective than online dating , " said Cromier commenting on the experiment .

Previously , there have been studies in 2006 from Edinburgh University who also concluded the same thing . As many as 45 percent of women participants in a speed dating event and 22 percent of men , decided attracted to the opposite sex only within 30 seconds of meeting them .

Last year , New York and Los Angeles has ever developed the kind of dating that relies on the sense of smell . Called " Pheromone Parties " , the participant was asked to hand jerseys that they use to sleep to the other participants and chose scents they like .

" Many people can detect very small differences in the chemical through the nose . It can also be used as the initial medical examination , "said Martha McClintock , founder of the Institute for Mind and Biology at the University of Chicago .

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/493100-riset--ingin-temukan-cinta-sejati--enduslah-ketiak-pasangan

Workaholic or better known as a workaholic , a culture in which time 24 hours and 7 days dedicated to work . It can be physically present in the office or not . For some people , no matter if the relentless work .

When it is too focused on the job , someone willing to come early to the office to write a report , or are willing to spend a lunch hour stay at the computer .

Is the same weekend , when friends invited to relax in the cafe , you prefer to complete the job . Workaholics putting themselves under constant pressure , whether it was real or not .

In response to this , a psychotherapist and counselor , Anjali Chhabria , said that someone workaholic , actual disorder called obsessive compulsive personality . It is a state in which to achieve something , someone driven by insecurity and perfectionism . For them , work is everything for life , not just a source of income .

As reported by the Times of India , Santosh Nair , a motivator no comment on this matter . According to him , rapid technological advances actually exacerbate the problem , so we are increasingly required to have the speed , urgency and efficiency . Commodification is able to make everyone so workaholic , workers must be super efficient and work like robots .

" We often worked late just because colleagues did as well , when in fact , we always have a choice . Thing lacking only the skills, attitudes and knowledge to complete the work more quickly , " said Nair .

Addiction to work is no different from alcohol addiction . It affect the emotional , physical and well-being of the people . Not only that , workaholic will also ignore those nearby . Even when physically present in front of the family , the mind is still preoccupied with work . In addition , they felt very tired to do other activities outside of work . If you experience this all means have a workaholic circles enclose your life .

So how do I cope? Clearly , managers and bosses should encourage these solutions . Hard work does not mean long hours , this is a disaster that can cause fatigue . Especially the young people in their 20s , careful work habits such as this can influence physical and mental health long-term .

Avoid talking about work during lunch and dinner , turn off the phone when the holiday weekend and use it for fun . Gradually , reduce working hours without compromising the quality of work , develop skills in order to achieve it .

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/492917-apakah-anda-termasuk-pribadi-workaholic-

Every woman has a different definition of the ideal husband . There are a few main qualities she wants in a partner .Not surprisingly , after marriage , many women often wonder , if he had married the right guy .For that , see the signs if you marry the right man , as reported by Boldsky :

- He makes you comfortablePositive sign that the marriage is your spouse always make you comfortable at all times . The right guy can make your life comfortable passing phase change at the beginning of marriage .

- He is supportiveIs 

a good husband who has always supported every decision you take. Many men are not supportive to her partner , and making his wife live under the rules .

- He could be your best friend 

You marry the right guy if he can be the head of your household and friend . By becoming friends , so the he could be consulted by relaxing , listening to your opinions and complaints .

- He loves your family 

Right man is also a man who loves and cares your parents like his own parents . For that , you must build strong relationships with parents and families . It is also the basis of your marriage that unites two families .

- He appreciates the relationship 

The man is perfect and right for you is able to appreciate your relationship . Marriage is a relationship that you built for a lifetime . And make sure your husband loves you and is always accompanied , in the hard times and happy . Right man knows how to keep your relationship remains special .

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/493043-wanita--ini-5-tanda-anda-menikahi-pria-yang-tepat 

http://irwanto.web.id/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/dollar-dari-google-Adsense.jpgGoogle was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University. They both have a stake in the company by 16 percent. At first, the company was formed as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. 
Initial public offering on August 19, 2004. Since its inception, the mission of this company is "To organize the world's Information and make it universally accessible and useful" (To manage all of the information in the world and makes it accessible and useful for everyone), and the unofficial slogan is "Do not Be Evil "(Do not be evil). In 2006 these companies make the shift headquarters to Mountain View, California.
Of useful words for everyone's two founders meant it mayakini true that sharing is a good thing and should be common knowledge that if people want to imitate their success that want to share with everyone.

a woman from Houston , Texas , USA , named Kitty obsessed with movie star looks similar to The Hunger Games , Jennifer Lawrence .

To that end , 30 -year -old mother of six procedures that perform cosmetic surgery in the last month with a total spend money of U.S. $ 25,000 or Rp284 million . 
The procedure ranging from liposuction on face and body , breast augmentation , rhinoplasty or nose job and fat injections in cheeks and buttocks .
In an interview with ABC's Nightline , he says was inspired not only by the appearance of the Academy Award -winning actress , but also his personality ." I really appreciate the exciting and fun personality , sexy body shape as well , " said Kitty , the Daily Mail reported . 
Kitty , who has been married to a man named Eric and have a 5 -year -old girl said a lot of people who criticize the obsession before he underwent a series of operations ." The more I see him ( Lawrence ) , the more I realized that his features are similar to me , but he is more perfect , " he explained .Kitty also admitted that since becoming a mother , her confidence decreases , so the more confident to perform cosmetic surgery . 
He also consulted with Dr. Franklin Rose in First Surgical Hospital cibHouston , Texas . He explained about his desire to change the zoom like Jennifer Lawrence . 
Postoperative recovery process lasted for seven weeks , but he said he was satisfied with the result . " I think it is becoming increasingly similar to Jennifer Lawrence , " he said .

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/492771-wanita-ini-habiskan-ratusan-juta-agar-mirip-jennifer-lawrence

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