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Not forever love starts from the eye down to the heart . A research proved , falling in love can arise from the sense of smell . How it is even considered most desirable to find true love .

The results were announced at the Edinburgh International Science Festival . Found , scent can reveal a person's health has. It was also an important factor when choosing a partner .

To test the theory , the scientists conducted a speed dating night titled " Sin Academy " . Participants who participated blindfolded , then asked to smell armpits random strangers . Then selected , where the scent is preferred .

"Everyone thinks of love arise from the first sight , even though many other senses are involved . And the scent is one of the most powerful , " said Dr. Zoe Cromier that explore the science of hedonism and appeal , as reported by the Daily Mail .

The results of the speed dating , a lot of people who end up falling in love with a certain scent . The sign , for someone it would be quite intoxicating scent like a drug .It was called the MHC locus is complex genes that determine a person's scent . " Genes also determine the complex immune system and the ability of the body's immunity against disease , " said Cromier .

According to him , man was created to be attracted to someone who has a strong and distinct genes . Functions that their offspring have a greater chance in the fight against the disease .

The effectiveness of speed dating
Not only the sense of smell is tested in Sin Academy . Still with eyes closed , participants were also asked to rate the voice of strangers and choosing who they like . As a result, women prefer men with deep voice and tight , or high-pitched . The sound was considered masculine ." Speed ​​dating sensory was much more effective than online dating , " said Cromier commenting on the experiment .

Previously , there have been studies in 2006 from Edinburgh University who also concluded the same thing . As many as 45 percent of women participants in a speed dating event and 22 percent of men , decided attracted to the opposite sex only within 30 seconds of meeting them .

Last year , New York and Los Angeles has ever developed the kind of dating that relies on the sense of smell . Called " Pheromone Parties " , the participant was asked to hand jerseys that they use to sleep to the other participants and chose scents they like .

" Many people can detect very small differences in the chemical through the nose . It can also be used as the initial medical examination , "said Martha McClintock , founder of the Institute for Mind and Biology at the University of Chicago .

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/493100-riset--ingin-temukan-cinta-sejati--enduslah-ketiak-pasangan

Workaholic or better known as a workaholic , a culture in which time 24 hours and 7 days dedicated to work . It can be physically present in the office or not . For some people , no matter if the relentless work .

When it is too focused on the job , someone willing to come early to the office to write a report , or are willing to spend a lunch hour stay at the computer .

Is the same weekend , when friends invited to relax in the cafe , you prefer to complete the job . Workaholics putting themselves under constant pressure , whether it was real or not .

In response to this , a psychotherapist and counselor , Anjali Chhabria , said that someone workaholic , actual disorder called obsessive compulsive personality . It is a state in which to achieve something , someone driven by insecurity and perfectionism . For them , work is everything for life , not just a source of income .

As reported by the Times of India , Santosh Nair , a motivator no comment on this matter . According to him , rapid technological advances actually exacerbate the problem , so we are increasingly required to have the speed , urgency and efficiency . Commodification is able to make everyone so workaholic , workers must be super efficient and work like robots .

" We often worked late just because colleagues did as well , when in fact , we always have a choice . Thing lacking only the skills, attitudes and knowledge to complete the work more quickly , " said Nair .

Addiction to work is no different from alcohol addiction . It affect the emotional , physical and well-being of the people . Not only that , workaholic will also ignore those nearby . Even when physically present in front of the family , the mind is still preoccupied with work . In addition , they felt very tired to do other activities outside of work . If you experience this all means have a workaholic circles enclose your life .

So how do I cope? Clearly , managers and bosses should encourage these solutions . Hard work does not mean long hours , this is a disaster that can cause fatigue . Especially the young people in their 20s , careful work habits such as this can influence physical and mental health long-term .

Avoid talking about work during lunch and dinner , turn off the phone when the holiday weekend and use it for fun . Gradually , reduce working hours without compromising the quality of work , develop skills in order to achieve it .

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/492917-apakah-anda-termasuk-pribadi-workaholic-

Every woman has a different definition of the ideal husband . There are a few main qualities she wants in a partner .Not surprisingly , after marriage , many women often wonder , if he had married the right guy .For that , see the signs if you marry the right man , as reported by Boldsky :

- He makes you comfortablePositive sign that the marriage is your spouse always make you comfortable at all times . The right guy can make your life comfortable passing phase change at the beginning of marriage .

- He is supportiveIs 

a good husband who has always supported every decision you take. Many men are not supportive to her partner , and making his wife live under the rules .

- He could be your best friend 

You marry the right guy if he can be the head of your household and friend . By becoming friends , so the he could be consulted by relaxing , listening to your opinions and complaints .

- He loves your family 

Right man is also a man who loves and cares your parents like his own parents . For that , you must build strong relationships with parents and families . It is also the basis of your marriage that unites two families .

- He appreciates the relationship 

The man is perfect and right for you is able to appreciate your relationship . Marriage is a relationship that you built for a lifetime . And make sure your husband loves you and is always accompanied , in the hard times and happy . Right man knows how to keep your relationship remains special .

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/493043-wanita--ini-5-tanda-anda-menikahi-pria-yang-tepat 

http://irwanto.web.id/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/dollar-dari-google-Adsense.jpgGoogle was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University. They both have a stake in the company by 16 percent. At first, the company was formed as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. 
Initial public offering on August 19, 2004. Since its inception, the mission of this company is "To organize the world's Information and make it universally accessible and useful" (To manage all of the information in the world and makes it accessible and useful for everyone), and the unofficial slogan is "Do not Be Evil "(Do not be evil). In 2006 these companies make the shift headquarters to Mountain View, California.
Of useful words for everyone's two founders meant it mayakini true that sharing is a good thing and should be common knowledge that if people want to imitate their success that want to share with everyone.

a woman from Houston , Texas , USA , named Kitty obsessed with movie star looks similar to The Hunger Games , Jennifer Lawrence .

To that end , 30 -year -old mother of six procedures that perform cosmetic surgery in the last month with a total spend money of U.S. $ 25,000 or Rp284 million . 
The procedure ranging from liposuction on face and body , breast augmentation , rhinoplasty or nose job and fat injections in cheeks and buttocks .
In an interview with ABC's Nightline , he says was inspired not only by the appearance of the Academy Award -winning actress , but also his personality ." I really appreciate the exciting and fun personality , sexy body shape as well , " said Kitty , the Daily Mail reported . 
Kitty , who has been married to a man named Eric and have a 5 -year -old girl said a lot of people who criticize the obsession before he underwent a series of operations ." The more I see him ( Lawrence ) , the more I realized that his features are similar to me , but he is more perfect , " he explained .Kitty also admitted that since becoming a mother , her confidence decreases , so the more confident to perform cosmetic surgery . 
He also consulted with Dr. Franklin Rose in First Surgical Hospital cibHouston , Texas . He explained about his desire to change the zoom like Jennifer Lawrence . 
Postoperative recovery process lasted for seven weeks , but he said he was satisfied with the result . " I think it is becoming increasingly similar to Jennifer Lawrence , " he said .

source : http://life.viva.co.id/news/read/492771-wanita-ini-habiskan-ratusan-juta-agar-mirip-jennifer-lawrence

: Hypnosis is one branch of magic that used to play with the human subconscious . Once a person enters his subconscious , we can embed certain suggestions in their minds , and make them do the things we command .

Need to Know :- Hypnosis ( especially " Extreme Hypnotist " as is often done Romi Rafael ) will only be successful if the object ( volunteers ) willing to be hypnotized .- Natural human mind is divided into two , namely the conscious mind (conscious mind ) and the subconscious ( unconscious mind ) . The purpose of hypnosis is to make the volunteers are in their subconscious . Circumstances after the volunteers to do various things in the subconscious influence of so-called " trans " .procedure :

1 . ConfidenceBefore doing hypnosis , you have to be really confident and believe that you are able to hypnotize others . Convince yourself that you are a great hypnotist . Without self-confidence , hypnosis you do is doomed to fail .

2 . rhythmCustomize your sound with the rhythm of breathing rate of the volunteers . This can be done by observing the movement of the diaphragm cavity when the volunteers breathed . The most appropriate time to lead the volunteers entered their subconscious is when they exhale sedan ( as is often done by Romi Rafael ) .Normally , if hypnosis is running successfully , tempo and rhythm of the breath of the volunteers to be slower . At that time , perlambatlah tempo and rhythm of your speech in accordance with the rhythm of the breath of the volunteers .

3 . tone of VoiceThere are two kinds of tones that can be used in hypnosis .

a. Monotone Voice TonesThis method is often used by Romi Rafael . Voice tone is monotonous tone flat and inclined the same from start to finish , with the use of the word that is constantly repeated . The purpose of using a monotone voice is so conscious of the volunteers felt tired , so it was easier to enter his subconscious .

b . Corrugated Sound ToneTone of voice tone of voice used is up and down , weak - hard , low - high . Performers hypnotist will first talk in a low tone , then rises up to bring more volunteers into the state of " trance " .Please select one of the tone that suits your personality . Choose the most convenient and comfortable when you say it .

4 . Bringing the volunteers entered the subconsciousFirst , tell the volunteers to perform a routine , eg " Berhitunglah of 1 to 10 , each count will make you enter your subconscious " .Or "Take a deep breath ... and exhale " .Or ask " Who is your name ? "In the middle of the process , his handshake , eye contact , and do something surprising that he quickly entered his subconscious . Something of a surprise that , among others :- . Jerked handshake- . Lifting up her wrist- . Flicking your finger to the forehead of volunteersRemember , when doing these things , still maintain eye contact with the volunteers . After that , make the volunteers do things that you ordered the hypnotic sentence .

5 . sentence HypnosisHypnotic sentences should be pronounced smoothly , without words like " eee ... " , " mmm .. " , " uh ... " , and so on . Hypnotic sentences usually are orders pitched suggestive sentences , short , dense , and uttered repeatedly .Example sentences hypnosis :The first thing you should do is ......Make yourself feel comfortable .....Sit in a chair with his hands on his thighs ....Once you feel comfortable .......Focus your eyes to the point .....well ......Aim your eyes to this point .......Your eyes will be heavier ......The more weight .....And you 'll fall asleep ......( ........ ) Signifies you have to give pause before heading to the next sentence .You are now in the lovely seaside ...Very beautiful ....And will become more beautiful ......You will see the waves and foam ....A light breeze ...Shady coconut trees .....Feel it all .....Feel with all your senses .....Get in the water .....Feel the chill ....Use your hands to swim through the ocean ....etc .... etc ....To revive the volunteers , you can use the following sentence :You will see a boat ....Are ready to bring you leave this beach ...But you will know ....Everything beautiful memory about this beach will still be there in your mind ....Composure ....The shade ...So ....Get on the boat .......And you will find a message written on the boat ...Start counting from 1 to 10 .....And each count carries aakan you leave the subconscious ...And back to consciousness ....etc ... etc ...Remember, tempo , rhythm , tone , and volume while pronouncing the sentence should be consistent hypnotic .Hypnosis is a branch of magic that is very difficult to master . To master it takes a long time . So , if you practice the things written here but still failed to do hypnosis , it is very reasonable . Keep practicing and practicing , then you will become the master hypnotist .

Greetings Blogger :) .Easy Way to Create Google Adsense Account >> BlogSukses friend , time will BlogSukses variety of information on how to easily create a Google Adsense account . Without length , straight to the discussion . But first there are some mandatory requirements that must be prepared before creating Google Adsense account .

 The requirement is as follows :

Email address in Gmail
Blog / wesbite to display Google AdSense ads
A clear identity and address as identity cards ( KTP / SIM / Passport )
Contact phone numberIf the above requirements you have prepared all , please start to create a Google Adsense account . The steps are as follows : 
1 . Go to the Google Adsense page through your web browser or click http://www.google.com/adsense
2 . After logging into the page as above , please click the SIGN UP NOW .

After entering the page as above , please select Change Language if you want to appear in Indonesian . If you have, then select Yes , continue to enter the Google account you already have before. But if not please select No, create a new Google Account . At this stage , I assume you already have a Google Account . After completing this stage , then it will go to the Google Adsense .

3 . Enter your email and password . At this stage please enter your email address and your Google account password , then click Login .
4 . After completing the above steps , you will later be transferred to a page like below :
At this stage , you simply enter the address of your blog / website that will be used to display Google AdSense ads , and choose the language you use content in your blog / website . Then check that you have read and agree to the program development policy . Then click Continue .

5 . After completing the above steps , you will be redirected to the page as below :
At this stage, please fill out your contact form correctly . Fill your data correctly according to the identity , as this will allow for the payment of your Adsense earnings . The data required are:- Country or region where you live .
- Account Type . Select the individual if the individual or business account if the business or institution account .
-Payee Name .-Complete address . 
-City / County .-Province .-Zip Code .-Or mobile phone number to call .-Choose how you know about Adsense , please select anything.-Email preferences . Please select the first course .Once you complete all of the data in the above , then please click the Submit My Application . Up here you have finished making your Adsense request , and you 'll switch to a page like this.
On the page above , indicates that the application process you have selasai Adsense . You will receive a message via email about the status of your account , whether accepted or rejected . The review process shall not exceed a week , but you can also check your email a few hours later if your Adsense account has been received . If accepted you will receive the following message is bleak.

If you receive a message like the one above , means that your application has been approved . And you can place the ad code on your blog . But advertising can not be seen , because Google Adsense will conduct a second review , a second review if you qualify , then the Adsense ads you have fully approved . If a few hours later or a few days later the Adsense ads not appear , please check your email . Is there a message from Google Adsense that your account was denied . As usual I have experienced , the fastest and if approved ads will appear around one or two hours later after the ad code placed on your blog / website , and a maximum of one or two days .

suggestion :If you want your Adsense account quickly approved of my suggestion is as follows : 

1 . Make sure there are no violations of the blog / website , such as the content of the SARA , pornography , copyright violations such as software downloads , download songs etc. . 
2 . Make sure all your artificial arisinil content itself, not the result of copy and paste . 
3 . Minimum of 10 article of your blog content . 
4 . No other PPC ads , if you have to put other PPC advertising , please be separated first . 
5 . Complete blog / website with the Privacy Policy page . Based on previous experience , when there is no Privacy Policy on my blog , I often rejected . But after a quick Alhamdulillah Privacy Policy approvenya . To make the Privacy Policy please click here .So simple guide How to easily create a Google Account Adsense. Hopefully can make it easier and help you to create Google Adsense Account . Good luck :) .

Entering the 30s , fine lines around the eyes and forehead area starts to look real . When glass and skin no longer looks smooth and tight , panic was immediately ambushed . Do not panic , see 5 ways to stay young naturally this :

Clean Faces Maximum
Clean skin is able to absorb nutrients optimally . Wash your face with attention to a few things . First , wash your face with warm water , using soap or face wash that suits your skin type .
If you are new to using makeup, use a face brush because the bristles can clean delicate make-up remnants and dirt better . Soft massage of the hair brush helps improve blood circulation to the face .
Rinse face and pat dry with a clean towel . Change your towels because the towels are regularly used for too long left vulnerable fungi and bacteria . Apply toners to give maximum care , then continue with daily care such as serum and moisturizer .

Start Early
Do not underestimate the anti -aging treatments , start from the age of 20. Complete daily ritual with care serum , night cream , and eye cream . Choose anti -aging products are geared for 20s .
The content contained within it aims to prevent the signs of aging and keep the metabolic process of skin cells remain stable . We recommend that you also keep your diet and lifestyle .
Many people think , at a young age can eat food without restriction . In fact , what we eat reflects the condition of our bodies later . Limit fatty foods and less sugar than now for longer life and healthier skin .

Routine exercise
A time to exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes . Besides good for the body and the heart , exercise also stimulates the hypothalamus in the brain hiposis systems that emit a powerful anti-aging hormone .
If you do not have time , ranging from slight movements and unique that does not make you get bored quickly . Start by getting out of bed and walk around the house for 15 minutes . This makes your body is doing light exercise .
Then increase activity with light jogging , or add gymnastics floor lightweight and compact . Over time the body will charge activity and body will feel heavy if you are not taking the time to move .

Natural mask
In addition to daily treatment , treat the skin with natural homemade masks . Mix the egg whites with the lemon juice , stir until bubbly. Apply mask to cleansed face evenly . Egg whites tighten skin function and shrink pores . Protein content useful moisturize the skin and accelerate the regeneration process . Lemon is rich in vitamin C serves as an antioxidant to fight aging . To maintain the elasticity of the skin , use this mask once a week .

Rest Qualified
Sleep at night takes 7 to 8 hours to allow time for the body repair cells and resting after a day of activities . Keep the quality of your sleep , do not let the sleeping brain in a state of stress . Clean the area of ​​the break you of objects that interfere with , such as laptops and books . Make your bed into a zone of rest with no habit of doing other activities other than resting in bed . When you put the TV in the room , do not turn it on when I want to sleep . It will stall bed thereby reducing the hours of sleep . Turn off all the lights and light sources . Rest in the dark to make the body produce the hormone melatonin, which is good for the body's defenses and keep the body's cells from damage . Avoid drinking too much water before bed , because you will urinate in the middle hours of sleep , that disturb your sleep .

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